Sunday, March 29, 2015

Trencher MkII Tanks: Finished Pictures

As promised, I've posted some pics of my completed Trenched MkII tanks in 15mm scale (approx. 1/100 scale) from Proxie Models.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Building the Proxie Models Trencher Mk II: Tracks

So, here's a quick post on the method and colors I've come up with for tank tracks. It's an easy method, and I like the way it looks.

First, I paint the tracks with Vallejo Panzer Series German Camo Black Brown. I think its also called something like "SS Camo Black Brown" in the regular Vallejo Model Color line. Same color.

Next is a wash with the Army Painter Dark Shade, I use it undiluted and cover the tracks completely.

The final two steps involve heavy drybrushing of two Ceramcoat craft paint colors:

Brown Iron Oxide first,

Then Burnt Sienna.
Finished tracks.
The final detail painting and weathering is done on my platoon of three Trenchers.  I will take some pics and try to get them up here this weekend.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Building the Proxie Models Trencher Mk II: Painting Step-by-Step

With assembly finished on my three Trenchers, the next step was painting. I envision these tanks as a sort of sci-fi T-34, so I will be painting them in a Soviet armor green scheme.