Tuesday, April 7, 2015

15mm Urban Terrain

I've started putting together some buildings for a 15mm city terrain board. The idea is to do some very generic streets and buildings usable for games set in the present or the future.

First is a very basic factory/industrial building from Proxie Models:

This is  four of the wall panels with a removable roof made from a "garage sale" sign.  I also scraped off the huge doorknob.  I considered doing internal floors, but I decided to spend my time doing multiple basic buildings, rather than a few with fancy interiors.

Second building will be a four story apartment, still in progress:

Here I've doubled up the Proxie wall panels to make a taller building. You can see the plastic strips I'm using to join the panels. With enough sprues, you could make a building of any height you want.

Last is an old HO scale model railroad house I've had sitting around half finished for a long time.  I figure I might as well dust it off, and get it finished while I'm at it:

The main structure is together, I just need to glue in the separate windows and doors. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Trencher MkII Tanks: Finished Pictures

As promised, I've posted some pics of my completed Trenched MkII tanks in 15mm scale (approx. 1/100 scale) from Proxie Models.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Building the Proxie Models Trencher Mk II: Tracks

So, here's a quick post on the method and colors I've come up with for tank tracks. It's an easy method, and I like the way it looks.

First, I paint the tracks with Vallejo Panzer Series German Camo Black Brown. I think its also called something like "SS Camo Black Brown" in the regular Vallejo Model Color line. Same color.

Next is a wash with the Army Painter Dark Shade, I use it undiluted and cover the tracks completely.

The final two steps involve heavy drybrushing of two Ceramcoat craft paint colors:

Brown Iron Oxide first,

Then Burnt Sienna.
Finished tracks.
The final detail painting and weathering is done on my platoon of three Trenchers.  I will take some pics and try to get them up here this weekend.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Building the Proxie Models Trencher Mk II: Painting Step-by-Step

With assembly finished on my three Trenchers, the next step was painting. I envision these tanks as a sort of sci-fi T-34, so I will be painting them in a Soviet armor green scheme.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Building the Proxie Models Trencher Mk II, Part 2

A quick WIP update on my Trencher project:

This is the first model, with the large gap filled.  This is just the rough Aves putty.  Since this picture, I've sanded it smooth.  I found that on the other two models, shaving down the location pins inside allowed me to eliminate this gap completely.

Three Trencher models complete ready for primer.  I gave them a first coat of primer right after taking this picture. It's difficult to get the whole model at once, so I'll finish up the topsides tomorrow (or when I have the time).

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Building the Proxie Models Trencher Mk II, Part 1

I received an order from Proxie Models in the mail earlier this week.  I was extremely happy with the turnaround time: I placed the order on Thursday, and it was in my mailbox on Monday. Included in the order was a pack of 15mm scale Trencher Mk II tanks.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

15mm Klingons

Today, I have some pictures of the Imperials from Astro Miniatures, painted as Star Trek Original Series Klingons.

Friday, January 9, 2015

A Gotham City Interlude

Taking a break from the 15mm stuff, here are some superhero miniatures I painted in fall and winter 2014. These are all repainted Heroclix figures, roughly 30-35mm tall.
"I am the night."

Batgirl and Robin

"Batmobile lost a wheel, and the Joker got away..."

Joker and henchmen group shot
The orange jumpsuit henchmen are 28mm metal miniatures from Tactical Miniatures (now sold by Armorcast). They are small compared to the Heroclix.  I figure they're just henchmen, so if the heroes loom over them, that makes it all the more dramatic.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

To Boldly Go Where No 15mm Miniature Has Gone Before

I've decided that 2015 is my year to get into 15mm sci-fi miniatures in a big way. So over the Holidays, I completed a project that had been languishing on my desk since early in 2014.  Astro Miniatures produces a line of 15mm minis called "Explorers." When painted appropriately, they can be used as Starfleet crew in Star Trek games set during the Original Series.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Carnage on Omega Epsilon VII

This afternoon, my daughter and I tried out the free "Away Team" rules from Astro Miniatures. The miniatures are also produced by Astro, in  15mm scale.

We used the Astro Explorers as a Star Fleet landing party, and the Raptor miniatures to represent the Gorns.  I played Star Fleet, my daughter was the Gorn.